My next project is a collection of Catholic Devotional hymns which will include hymns to Blessed Virgin Mary, the Blessed Sacrament, the Sacred Heart, the Saints, our Guardian Angels, Christmas, and Easter. I call this collection “My Mother of Mercy Catholic Hymnal” with over 150 hymns from England, Ireland, and America.
Many of these hymns were widely used in Parish Choirs and schools since the 1840s. More than half of these hymns I sang in St. Mary’s Choir in Akron, Ohio.
Featuring hymns from some of Catholics best loved authors and composers. This is more than just a collection of hymns but also a history book. Each hymn will feature a brief history of the hymnwriter, composer and a reflection by me. I haven’t decided on the cover, yet which is still in progress. Please click on “HYMN OF THE MONTH” in the menu tab to read about some of these beautiful Catholic hymns.
I am also working on a collection of hymns to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, hymns to the Saints, hymns for the Feast of the Assumption, a collection of May Crowning hymns and a collection of hymns from Father Curry’s hymn book.